

New Metal Member
Aug 3, 2005
Im goin to the muse in nashville... anyone else goin? thisll be my 3rd attempt to see IE live... first two failed... car had a tire blowout on the way to the galaxy in california, then i moved out of california before the san bernardino gigantour date... bought ticks for both. gonna be at the door of muse hours before to be at the show... lets hope my car makes it. just wish it was on a slightly better side of town :p oh well see ya guys there either way.
Alright T-Minus 27 hours till i leave to go to the muse! everything looks A-OK so far... my transmission isnt grabbin 1st like it should(tis auto not stick) but i just got it flushed and re-oiled so im hopin itll be ok for the journey(nashville is 3 hours drive from me) but i got my ipod and my lady going so i shouldnt be bored on the journey. i just hope they get a nice long set to play, would be a shame if i drove all that way to hear 3-5 songs :p either way ill be there even if i have to whore myself the rest of the way
Tonight I talked to Tim, He's in a hotel in Oaklahoma... The other day in San Antonio their tire blew on the bus.. not 50 miles later the TRANSMISSION went... so they are stranded in Oaklahoma until their sound guy and bus driver get the bus fixed in a town 8 hours away. I'm not supposed to scare all the nashville people but there may be circumstances here that they MAY or MAY not be able to make the show..... I doubt I'll talk to him again before the Nashville show but I thought people may like the heads up.
OMG it fuckin figures!!!!! that was officially the LAST time im gonna try to see IE live. ive spent nearly 300 bucks to see them live and have not gotten to see them... the first two times were things that the band couldnt be blamed for and i guess neither is the 3rd, altho i guess act of god must be a sign i shouldnt try anymore...i spent 3 hours driving to the muse and stand in the cold ass weather having to piss like a mofo and then the guy comes out and tells us the band aint gonna make it. so i spent the last 3 hours driving home. to make it worse, i dragged along my fiance who isnt even a metal fan to try to get her into the spirit...what are the chances i could get some teeshirts and stickers for my guitar case free of charge? ive bought and paid for at least 2 different shows that i didnt get to go to... that has to count for something... hit me back plz ( a member of the band preferrably ) peace
i aint givin up on the band... good music is good music. but i wasnt meant to see them live it seems. ive spent too much time and money trying to fail like this. im not blaming them either, as i know its not their fault. its just a shame as they are my biggest influence & fave band. and as you can see by my late hour of posting.... im losing sleep over it as it is. i had even brought my guitar cuz i wanted them to autograph it. now i cant get an autographed copy of SOA either :( its been a dreadful ordeal(not in the good way either :p) tis ok. as long as they make music, they will always be my fave. anywho ima try to get back to sleep... night
no i didnt, i was so fumed about not bein able to see IE i left. i havent really heard much of overkill and wasnt about to spend 12 bucks at the door for a band i aint familiar with. i do feel bad cuz i made alot of overkill fans mad by tellin the muse staffie that i dont really care about the other bands and that i only drove that far to see IE :p i got ALOT of dirty looks as i think i was the only hardcore IE fan there :/ i guess thats what i get for bein a mega fanboy... i was REALLy hopin to get a teeshirt and some stickers there :p dont wanna sound like a freak or anything but i didnt sleep well last night and i even had a nightmare (however, unrelated to the previous night's events) only managed 2 hours of sleep. i dont really believe in fate, but if i did, id say it was against me :( it was over 400 miles round trip to nashville for me. and im real bummed about it, but i suppose ill live as long as the guys keep rockin and makin albums. either way... im off for the night, ill check back tomorrow. nighty night all
I do totally understand all that :)
But, you should've stayed (since you already drove that long) and see one of the BEST live bands around. Overkill is pure energy. Seen them lots of times and they never disappoint!
yeah thats what alot of ppl said :p but my fiance had to be at work at 745 am the next day :( so i couldnt stay for a lesser band than IE :p happy belated B-day btw, how rude of me to whine about me own problems when you have something to celebrate :). ehh once we get my band fully assembled and working maybe we can get on a tour with IE :p that would be sweet. im pretty much over bein pissed about not sein em live now. my brother was laughin his ass off at me and HES the one that got me into IE in the first place :p the guy from the muse DID try to get me to stay :( i do feel bad for him tho cuz i know that place is having alot of problems and are in danger of closing down :(. i would go for more shows but nashville is like 220 miles from me so it has to be special hehe. anywho ima go eat lunch so have a good day yall! (yeah i say yall, i pretty much live on a farm as it is :p )