Nasum - Helvete

Nate The Great

What would Nathan do?
May 10, 2002
Nasum - Helvete
Relapse 2003
By Nathan Pearce

Nasum is clearly emerging as one of the leaders in the world of grindcore. Not only have they managed to achieve critical acclaim, but they’ve amassed a huge following. For those unfamiliar with Nasum, imagine the punk attitude of Napalm Death in the 80’s combined with the brutal precision riffing of Carcass in the 90’s . . . then add an insanely overachieving dose of their own original song writing skills.

‘Helvete’ picks up where ‘Human 2.0’ left off. Songs blaze by, but not at the cost of desensitizing the listener. Nasum has always had a knack for making a song memorable, but the music is still as brutal and blindingly fast as anything you’ll experience. ‘Helvete’ differs from ‘Human 2.0’ only slightly. Songs are still rather short (usually around 2 minutes), but every now and then Nasum shows a new talent for grinding at a slightly less frenzied pace. This occurs only every four or five songs, but it actually gives the entire CD a chance to absorb and stick with the listener.

For fans of Nasum, I can’t imagine you don’t already have this, or you’re at least drooling at the chance to get it. For fans of grind, thrash, or any other form of REAL metal, get off your ass and get this. Everybody deserves to hear what grindcore played near the speed of perfection should sound like.
