NC Death Metal Band Needs Members!!!


Unstable Metal Guitarist
Jan 5, 2011
Salisbury, North Carolina
We are a death metal band known as Parasitic Devourment. We dwell in Salisbury, North Carolina. Although we do not have any music posted up, we have gone through a bunch of shit with the original line-up. We used to be a full band until misunderstandings within the band had manifested. Due to the fact that we were not accomplishing anything, I(the lead guitarist) and the rhythm guitarist have decided to quit the band and to take the name with us since I was the one who actually thought of the band name before I even met them. Now, we are in dire need of a vocalist, a bassist, and a drummer. I would prefer it if you lived in Salisbury or near it. The reason is because with our individual busy schedule, we cannot make hour long drives just for practice. Also, we might have a place where we can practice. Our sound is going to be straight up, bone-crushing death metal with some melodic influences. If you want examples of what sound we are going for, think of Amon Amarth combined with Hate Eternal. So yeah, anybody who DOES live within at most 25 minutes away from Salisbury and can play death metal is more than welcome to try out with us. Just send a message and we can discuss more from there on further details.