NC=now Considering

its an acquired taste, but the moment I heard Godspeed You Black Emperor's "Lift Yr. Skinny Fists Like Antenna's to Heaven" i knew what I was in for. That is the ultimate (double) album for listening to half asleep, or just at night in general. If there is only one post rock cd to buy its that one....

although a lot of post rock sounds different
my favourite night albums atm are anything by Abruptum (my god....that shit makes the night something to fear!) and Simple Minds' Glittering Prize....lovely piece of quality sophisticated pop to nod off to!
NC: Should I go to lecture from 2 to 5 where I will be sleeping? Or should I stay home and study form one of my assignments but I will get bored very much in the house?Damn...I think I will stay home to study..
Lhorian said:
@Xeno: Go watch... you can't watch the whole series except two episodes, you have too see the whole thing.
I have, I've been watching since it first started... :blush:

The last episode was amazing and unbelivable.... Lex being put in the hospital, and Lana being crippled.... :guh:
xenophobe said:
I have, I've been watching since it first started... :blush:

The last episode was amazing and unbelivable.... Lex being put in the hospital, and Lana being crippled.... :guh:
That's great. I watch most, I think, I can't really be sure because the networks around here only put a couple of shows on before it disappears again for lack of viewers. So I have seen most, if not all, but in the wrong order. And still I liked it very much.

NC: If I should go watch Kill Bill one more time.
NC: If I really think the FotR(extended) is better than TTT(extended).
NC: If I can really consider this much at thesame time.