Neaera - Let the Tempest Come


charting my way to top :)
Feb 9, 2005
Neaera – Let the Tempest Come
Metal Blade Records – 3984-14568-2 – May 16th, 2006
By Zack Attaran


I thought I was pretty good at pronouncing band names, but this one is a real stumper. "Knee-a-air-a?" "Knee-air-a?" Doesn't really matter, right? Well, actually, it does, because I'd been meaning to check out this band since their release of The Rising Tide of Oblivion in 2005, but could never remember how to spell the name. Literally. Of course, this doesn't effect the music, but if you plan on checking out this German quintet, write the name down on your hand or something. Seriously, you will forget.

As far as how the music goes, it features high pitched screams, harmonized guitars, excessive double bass and a breakdown here and there. In short, I find it hard to classify this band. If an ultimatum were set, though, I'd say above average metalcore with a hint of melodeath. Good metalcore, nevertheless, but even the best metalcore is still about as entertaining as watching plants grow. At least seven tracks receive the "skip treatment" because of their blandness and unoriginality, but the songs I do linger on really pack a punch. Songs like 'Heavenhell', 'The Crimson Void' and 'Descerators' all harbor creativity that is so desperately needed in this style. Unfortunately, the vocals manage to seep in under my nerves, but if you can deal with that, you're in business.

Overall, I observed that this album seemed quite rushed. It came very quickly after their debut release, and could've been so much more interesting had the songwriters spent more time writing quality music instead of filler (which this album does seem to have). It's not like they aren't capable of it, because 'Heavenhell' and friends are living proof. Oh well, this effort is a lot better than their debut, and if they follow the trend they've just set, Neaera will be a force to be reckoned with providing they take their time. They just barely make it in above the above average mark, though.


UM’s Review Rating Scale

Official Neaera Website
Official Metal Blade Records Website