Neal Morse quits Spocks Beard and Transatlantic

Woah!! :o He IS Spock's Beard pretty much, isn't he? This ain't good. Maybe he's going to become a professional churchie or something.

I saw "Snow" at JB today, 3CDs for $65 or so. ME WANTS!!
There are rumours floating around that Transatlantic may continue with Daniel Gildenlow from Pain of Salvation on vocals. If this happens, I am bloody pumped for a new album. They will lose nothing in the song writing department, and Daniels voice is way stronger than Neals. The only thing missing will be Morse's keys sound.

It still wont be the same though :(
Originally posted by Spruce Goose
Transatlantic may continue with Daniel Gildenlow from Pain of Salvation on vocals. Daniels voice is way stronger than Neals.

WooHoo!! :rock:
Neal Morse isn't the best singer in the world, agreed, but his voice still sits perfectly with the music. Imagine how much better Yes would be if Neal Morse sang instead of Jon Anderson! God, I hate that guy's voice. How he ever had a career in the music industry boggles the mind. He's come close to ruining some awesome albums, like "The Yes Album" and "Fragile".
What about him? He's a legend! :rock: And his voice isn't annoying once you get used to it - he's a hell of a singer when he gets going! And he's the world's best bass player too!