Nearfest 2002 Video


The Cynical Realist
Dec 12, 2002
Tiverton, RI
Visit site
Can anyone direct me to a place where I can view/download this?

I still have it, but it won't play....the icon was realplayer, but I deleted realplayer, now the icon is a page thingy.....UGH!
OK....I took EnchantWeb's advice and re-installed RealPlayer.....WOOOOO!

Watching it now.

Question? Why is it so small? I've made it bigger, and it gets pixellated.

I'd like to burn this to DVD, but something tells me it'll be just as pixellated.....:(

Anybody have any insight into this?

I guess it's been recorded low-quality, or at least encoded low-quality. No way to make it look better when you want to view it full screen. The only way would be to contact the guys who filmed the show, they should have the originals. Would be great material for a bonus DVD. ;)

Take care
EnchantWeb said:
I guess it's been recorded low-quality, or at least encoded low-quality. No way to make it look better when you want to view it full screen. The only way would be to contact the guys who filmed the show, they should have the originals. Would be great material for a bonus DVD. ;)

Take care
Yes, it would be great material as a bonus DVD....HINT....HINT.....HINT....:p

Another thing I noticed....those lights are horrendous. Everyone is either in the shadows, or haloed/auraed in that god-awful blue, pink, green light.....:yell:

The music saves the day!

Thanks guys!

BTW, how would this burn to DVD? small, or bigger?
Hey guys,

It seems there is not enough web space on the Enchant server :(
So if any of you guys have a fast, reliable server, I'll be uploading the video there, it's about 123 MB. Any help is appreciated.

Take care
-The Webmaster
Hey all

We thought about adding this or doing something with it but it is very rough. And not the best performance. Same deal with Cal Prog, rough board mixes are really hard to fix! and $$$$$$$$$$$ we don,t have.

So in the future I am sure we will be looking at some better recording of live performances. Remember this is only the first DVD, hopefully :)

Hey we have pretty high standards when it comes to recordings etc, whatever we do. It is very much appreciated that people think so highly of these recordings and are so into it.

There will be more festivals and live shows recorded in the future and we hope to have even better recordings avialiable in the future.

For now we are busy writing and working on new material that so far is sounding great. We are all exited about this.

Thanks again so much Ed
ebass said:
There will be more festivals and live shows recorded in the future and we hope to have even better recordings avialiable in the future.

For now we are busy writing and working on new material that so far is sounding great. We are all exited about this.

Well I sure as hell know I'M excited about this! :loco: :worship:

That's good, cause it distracts me from the fact that there are two weeks left and I'm just dying to get my hands on the LIVE AT LAST DVD....
:erk: :yell: :cry:

(BTW - every friday at work is 'casual day' - jeans and sneakers if you want, etc.... so I wore my IMusicast DVD shirt last friday - and had three seperate people remark to me what a cool shirt it was... :tickled: )