NEARfest 2003......

Stockton to Malone

Thanks for asking about this. We can,t appear there again for some time! they have a rule where a band that appears at NF has to wait three years or longer? to play again?

And they have also decided the bands that will appear at NF will not be as neo prog or heavy? I think they are going for more eclectic types? And leave the acts like ourselves to prog power in Atlanta or some of the other festivals a bit less prog? Check the message board for the NF website and you will get a pretty good idea of the direction they will be going in the future.

Which might be a pretty good idea if you ever saw the crowds for NF? We had a great time and really appreciated being invited. It was good for us and a very interesting experience.

Rob and Chad are great guys and do a hell of a job there. It is a great venue and a lot of fun.

It looks like there are some very interesting acts next year!

Take care
Have you guys considered or have you been invited to possibly participate in PROGPOWER 4 next year in Atlanta?

Since Nearfest is out of the question (and because of the so-called 'heaviness' question), I think you guys would be great at ProgPower. I went in '01 and missed the last one - but if ENCHANT was playing in '03, I don't think ANYTHING could keep me away!

Hmmm lets see guys?

I think we may be caught somewhere in beetween those two?:confused: We didn,t really fit into NF either although it was great to be there and be able to play. Unfortunatly NF is almost more of an ARTrock type of deal? Burke thanks for your saying nothing would keep you away if we did play, we appreciate that.

Good question, and what timing, we were just discussing this as a band last night. Are we heavy enough for Progpower? We were thinking it might not be the best for us? I am curious to what anyone else might think?

We have toured with Threshold but some of those other acts are pretty HEAVY ???? actually really heavy.

I know we really do want to appear at the Progwest show in LA since it is closer for us and probably a good fit. We will have to wait and see now. It all depends on tour plans and such and that is almost a year away.

I think Jim B had the best idea I have seen, how about just a Great Music Festival with all kinds of differant music instead of catoragoizing the bands? I know that would be our first choice?

Well, I'm in Florida but originally from Jersey and was raring and ready to go to the last Nearfest just to see you guys, but a family member's health condition, along with monetary problems, conspired to stop me. That's why even for the simple possibility of seeing you guys at PP4 if that comes up, I'll find SOME way to be there. [been a huge fan of the band since I got BLUEPRINT back in '96 or so].

As for the 'heaviness' issue - I went to ProgPower 2 and yeah, there were definitely some heavy bands - but I truthfully don't think you guys would be too out of place there (trying to be truthfull and not just encourgage you guys to play a show fairly close to me :lol: for my own selfish reasons) I seem to recall one or two bands who were well received (who I had never heard of - at least ONE) and who were around your 'sonic level'. And thinking about BLINK, I seem to find that album being quite guitar heavy so again I don't see it as TOO much of a stretch. I know it would be easier for you guys to probably play something closer to your West coast homebase, but one thing I remember about PP was the attitude of the crowd. Very cool - very laid back - best crowd of ANY concert I've ever been to. A lot of people there were there to see a favorite band of theirs - but also, had open minds to experience new bands they had never heard play before. Hell, I had no clue who Balance of Power was, and they opened the show and I was ready to write them off - and lo and behold now I have two of their CDs and think they're pretty cool. I just think if given the chance, the crowd might surprise you.

Anyway, not sure if this helps influence you guys at all but thought I'd give you some feedback to your response.:D

Take care!
Oh and by the way - in cruising the PP forum board (which I haven't done in a while) and looking over the wish-lists for PP4 from fans, I've seen ENCHANT's name definitely come up a few times :) . And with people 'requesting' bands such as Star One (Arjen), or Planet X, or even Stratovarious (I seem to remember reading about them once and remember them not being in the same 'heaviness' league as say, Sympnohy X or Superior.), I'd say you guys would fit the bill.
Originally posted by Burke
Oh and by the way - in cruising the PP forum board (which I haven't done in a while) and looking over the wish-lists for PP4 from fans, I've seen ENCHANT's name definitely come up a few times :) . And with people 'requesting' bands such as Star One (Arjen), or Planet X, or even Stratovarious (I seem to remember reading about them once and remember them not being in the same 'heaviness' league as say, Sympnohy X or Superior.), I'd say you guys would fit the bill.

Yes, I definately think Enchant would be an appropriate selection for ProgPower, despite their "heaviness deficiencies"... :lol: A band doesn't have to be HEAVY to be excellent. Enchant is a high-energy band with a great, unique sound that would appeal to a lot of people... I think they would fit in well with the likes of Threshold or Pain of Salvation (in fact, I would say Pain of Salvation has a similar "heaviness" to Enchant...and they closed the fest this year) A lot of fans of heavy music like Enchant.
I dunno. I think that Enchant could work out great at ProgPower. I'd say that if you guys did do it, you'd be best off showcasing your heavier qualities and playing your more guitar oriented stuff. Blink would go over great there, I would imagine.

I'd say the best person to ask this question would be Bear. :D He's the the biggest ProgPower nut I know, and I think he's been to all 3 of them. hehehe. I'm going to see if I might be able to go this year myself. :D
Funny but in the Nearfest Program it was worded something like Enchant was added to Provide some Punch?????

We liked that, :)

I for one am really into doing Prog Power myself and think we would be fine with a heavy set!

So keep writing in and let the others know your thoughts! Convince my buddy Doug OK :)

you guys are great.

Thats not a tilte just parts.

Just learning some parts to new material, listening constantly and working on it! :)

I always put what I have in the CD player when I post :)
I think Enchant would fit for a % of the crowd at PP. Which all in all I would not question whether it would be a good experience..similar to NF..some fans are into the melodic and heavy at the same time. I have attended all 3 PP's and I'd say you have the hardcore PowerMetal people who will not be as into Enchant..then the hardcore Prog people who will be exstatic..and then the mix crowd who are hit or miss.

I agree with what Ed said about Jim's idea..ProgWest or better just a Music Festival..somewhere in the middle of the country..but its like Paul's reasons..I personally feel many fans are stuck with their genre..Good Music is Good Music..and to me diversity scores high..however..the masses unfortunately don't follow that line of thinking entirely. I mean on my last radio show i played Yes's Relayer and followed that 20 minutes playing The Ramones and The Clash..good stuff..regardless of the "category" or adjective used.


and Enchant are "Good Music"