
the webmistress
You have heard the rumours and finally we can confirm them. HYPOCRISY, SOILWORK, SCAR SYMSYMMETRY, ONE MAN ARMY AND THE UNDEAD QUARTET and AMORPHIS will be joing forces in what will no doubt be the tour of the year: NECKBREAKER'S BALL through Europe!

For confirmed dates, check the tourdates page. More dates are still in the works and as always, dates - confirmed or not - are always subject to change, so keep an eye on this website for the latest information.
I'll be there in Aarhus, Denmark... and then getting to see Hypocrisy again, this year, at Metal Camp in Slovenia... a festival that in a couple of years might even beat Wacken if they keep the great location, in the middle of the mountains and of the rivers :headbang:
you can always move or travel to europe. they speak english here too :p
but seriously, now, one can make a very hot and cheap holiday out of hanging out in metal festivals. everything one needs is there: beer, best quality music and people. and of course, if beer is not enough, u might add some meals :kickass:
@Lunah... I'll be there, in Århus, where will you be? If you come, we can surely meet... and, well, I have a friend from Germany coming for the show, she'll be staying at my place. If u need a place to go... we'll find some for you :)
I'll be seeing HYpocrisy at Metalc Camp and Party San this summer.
If you use MSN, my nickname is Motorash... otherwise, I can send you a PM
It could be cool to meet.
We are going to hang out in Aarhus after the show until our train goes in the mourning (around 4 o'clock), and then I has to go to school wednesday mourning :zombie:

I'll try to install my Msn and contact you there, later tonight..
school? isn't it holiday thise week? In my case, well, sort of is. except that i am working at home... If i don't catch you online before i leave to pick up my friend, I am on the phone :)
and... see you there :kickass:
I was in Cologne on Monday. It was a good show but certainly not their best. For the first 3 songs, the sound was very bad, one could barely recognize the songs. I had the impression that Tägtgren was drunk. During the set he staggered and at one time, he nearly hit himself with his guitar. Him being drunk would also explain a story a rather upset girl told us - she saw him outside and greeted him, but he just laughed at her. Not very nice behaviour ...

Oh and Live Music Hall in Cologne sucks for concerts. They should have gone to Essen instead. By the time Hypo entered the stage, the venue was very empty already. After nine bands, people seemed too tired to watch one more.
Leviathane said:
I was in Cologne on Monday. It was a good show but certainly not their best. For the first 3 songs, the sound was very bad, one could barely recognize the songs. I had the impression that Tägtgren was drunk. During the set he staggered and at one time, he nearly hit himself with his guitar. Him being drunk would also explain a story a rather upset girl told us - she saw him outside and greeted him, but he just laughed at her. Not very nice behaviour ...

Oh and Live Music Hall in Cologne sucks for concerts. They should have gone to Essen instead. By the time Hypo entered the stage, the venue was very empty already. After nine bands, people seemed too tired to watch one more.

yeah lmh is not the best location. hypo was the 9th band ;D

i don't think that peter was drunk.
Here are some more photos from the Neckbreaker`s Ball tour (April 23):




Here`s a report including all bands (+photos), but only in German, sorry: