Necrophagist - Epitath


Jul 1, 2003
Concord, CA
does anyone on here have this album?

my friend and i were at the record store last night and he bought it. it wouldn't play in either of our cars, his home stereo or his computer. we went back and got another copy and it was the same thing.

i was just wondering if they used some sort of copyright protection on it (being Relapse i doubt it) or if it just came from a bad batch.
Was it an import? I don't know if that makes a difference but maybe your systems just couldn't recognize it.
Funeral Portrait said:
Was it an import? I don't know if that makes a difference but maybe your systems just couldn't recognize it.

it wasn't an import.

i guess it was just part of a bad batch.

when he tried it in his home stereo it only showed their being one song, but there was no sound.
It is pretty strange to find not one, but two cd's in a row that don't work. I had that problem once and returned it for another one that worked just fine.
My friend in Arizona had the problem. It wouldn't play in his car stereo and I guess the player said it was a CD-ROM disc or something.
Utuk Xul said:
Maybe you are better off it didn't play in the car. This album has a habit of putting people to sleep...
they said they would replace his copy of it if he sent his fucked up one to them.

since he returned it to the store he is SOL. the store gave him credit and he picked up the new Slayer dvd instead.

in his words about a free one: "They offered to, but they wanted me to send the defective one back to them, and I already returned it to 'sputins, so probly not."

i guess one of us will have to find a good copy now.

btw, 'sputins = rasputins which is the best local store (with used stuff) to get metal shit.