Necrophagist - Progressive Brutality! Any Fans?

I just posting to see if there are any Necrophagist fans on this forum! To me they are the new leaders in heavy/brutal progressive death metal. Extreme death vocals, pounding blast beats, killer tempo changes, insane bass solo's, and lots of killer sweeps and arpeggio's!! I recommend anyone who is a fan of Nocturnus, Death, Cynic, Pestilence, Gorguts, Into Eternity, Sceptic, or Yyrkoon.

Glen... Maybe you can have this band play propower next year (fingers crossed). I think they would make a good oddball.

Anybody wanting to hear Necrophagist please refer to the mp3 links before. - Stabwound3.mp3 - Seven.mp3
The music is really awesome, but I think that the vocals are a little too savage for me. I dont think that they would fit in very well at Progpower though.

Well, Harv seems to be opening up to inviting more growly bands over the years... but I think these guys would be SEVERELY outside the realm of possibility. ;)

Maybe Martyr would be a better choice... more technical, more melodic, and not as brutal... We'll see what happens when their new disc comes out, I guess.
Sorry, but the oddball has to have a crossover appeal which means some melodic clean vocals at some point. I won't book a pure death/black metal band.

Glenn H.
Hahahaha........I would hardly call Necrophagist "progressive-death." Tech-death would be a far better classification, as there isn't much really progressive about them.

But, they're a pretty good band, although they have no chance at Prog-Power. One critique is that the guitar playing sounds a bit mechanical, just because it's so clean sounding.
I'll go to the Maryland Deathfest sometime when I'm old enough to go that far on my own. They always have some completely awesome bands......and the same thing as Prog-Power with bringing in some bands that wouldn't play the US any other way, like Wormed from Spain this year. ^_^