Necrophagist's Marco Minnemann

Anyone know the current standard for double bass pedals? It looks like he barely has to put any effort into it at all. I'm no drummer but what I remember of drum pedals would have been a nightmare to produce the kind of sound he gets there.
Most likely, knowing necrophagist.

Opeth have never used triggers have they?

EDIT: Sorry, so sorry, saw your location. I mean, hella sorry.

So have Opeth banged around wit triggers? That shit looks hella retarted. but it's good.
no one can touch this guy. really. the end of ignonimous when they keep doubling the riff and changing the riff slightly is one of my favorite necrophagist moments.
if necrophagist goes to triggers i will stop listening.
people need to stop clumping bands into categories without even giving them a listen just because other people say shit about them, listen for yourself and form your own opinion.