Need a little nudge in the right direction!

So, here's my first real transition from FOH live sound to studio recording. After 15yrs touring the world with some pretty big bands, the mrs called time and needed me at home!... I've got me olde matey Mr M Walkyier coming down to Yorkshire on the 21st of this month to do some b.vox on this album so any comments/suggestions on mix/production so far would be appreciated, gear used and methods can be supplied upon request! The mp3 levels are pretty hot by the way!
? I have no idea what that means/is but...The vocals seem a bit too loud in the mix to me. They could stand a few nothces down to settle a bit better. Everything else sounds great to me.

Oh...I've never heard of that sorry, I was assuming it was your band or something, heh. But yeah, the vocals seem to withstand some volume cutting and maybe bring the guitars up just a TAD, not too much. I've listened to this about 10 times now through some Mackie HR824a's and it sounds great. Good job so far.

Oh and by the way, I agree with everything just said : guitars too dead center, vocals too loud, too much reverb on them as well, snare sounds triggered (too much triggered I mean, like machinegun) on the middle part around 2:30 (snare every quarter). Good job besides those.