Need a new microphone!


New Metal Member
Feb 17, 2011
United Kingdom
Hey everyone, this is my first post and I was wondering if I could get some help!

I am looking to buy a new microphone, I have had this crappy Behringer C1 for the last 3 years and I know its time to upgrade. Don't get me wrong, its withstood a lot of recording and its proven pretty good, but I think its time to step it up.

At the moment my maximum budget is £350-400 ($560). I really need some help in choosing which microphone to get. I have only had experience with the "sE Electronics SE 2200A" in my school, and there's nowhere in which I can test some mics out.

I have obviously searched around and I have found this deal which is perfect:

My room in which I record is not acoustically treated, so I think a Reflexion Filter would be useful. What do you guys think, if you have any experience with the Reflexion Filter or the microphone?

My second option is the Shure SM7B. It's a dynamic so it would deffinitly cut out the room noise, the only problem is if my M-Audio ProFire 2626 has enough clean gain to run it? Have you guys used either one with a ProFire?

Finally, I would just like to know if anyone here has tried both mics, and which is the better one for me, you would think?

Thanks a lot!
-RSV Studios
the 2200A is a great mic for the price, much better IMO than the Rode NT1A which is in the same price bracket. I had one after owning the NT1A.

I also had the SM7, was a great mic on male vocals, and female, and also did a great job on HiHats... for that i miss it, but it was an expensive mic to have lying around not getting much use, and tbh, i really needed to get a condensor mic again as i had no real means of recording acoustic instruments as the SM7 requires alot of gain, of which my pres had ample of (so would the profire), but the noise floor was thus raised. I never had an issue with gain for vocals, hi hats etc and i know the profire won't either!

I'd also say have a look at the Audio Technica range of AT40** mics.

I'm now using a AT4033a and it sounds fantastic, a lot less harsh sounding than the NT1A i used to have and a bit more, erm 'expensive' sounding than the 2200A (still a great mic i think)
My second option is the Shure SM7B. It's a dynamic so it would deffinitly cut out the room noise, the only problem is if my M-Audio ProFire 2626 has enough clean gain to run it? Have you guys used either one with a ProFire?

Clean enough for you? Ghetto jazz-recording with SM7B to ProFire 610 in totally untreated empty room. Reed - These Emotions.mp3

Thanks so much everyone!
My only concern was that the ProFire won't have enough, so I am leaning towards the SM7B now!

Have you guys used the Electrovoice RE-20? I got told about it, and it apparently is very good.

Those sound clips were very helpful too, thanks guys! The songs by Little Jack sounded very, very clean! and the one in an untreated room sounded really nice and clean too!

I think the SM7B would be a wise choice for me then. I know it is a microphone for screamers and louder singers, but do you guys know how it works with the more quieter singers, because I have quite a lot of them?
That's the other version of the Reflexion Filter.
That was one other thing, would there be big differences between the two Reflexion Filters?

The good thing is I do have a budget big enough for that Reflexion Filter and a Shure SM7B. So, if I ever needed it, it would be there. I would only get it if it had the same kind of rejection of reflections as the proper version has.

Do any of you guys have one?