Need a reverb/delay unit to use with my Cobra


gain induction
Mar 3, 2008
Alright, my brain has been frying over this for the last month. I just need to add some simple delay and reverb stuff in the loop of my Cobra for some atmospheric stuff.

- solution 1: stompbox (i have a digitech delay and reverb laying around already)

problem: the m#@$!$!#ucking cobra distorts every stompbox in it's fx loop, everything sounds like crap

solution for problem ?: some kind of wierdo gizmo that would adust levels so the stompboxes dont overload

- solution 2: rack stuff

problem: everything on the market is too overkill, has gates, tuners, flangers, toasters, AI and a time machine - and thus it is way too expensive

solution to problem: tc electronic g-sharp, but i've heard their kinda crap and unreliable

- solution 3: ? any suggestions ?

I think you pretty much have to go for a rack, so you can adjust levels. Look for a used rocktron replifex/intelifex, cheap, built very well, and from my experience really transparent, and sounds great! I only use it for delay/reverb, too. But the send/return from your amp distorting, that sounds weird.
I think you pretty much have to go for a rack, so you can adjust levels. Look for a used rocktron replifex/intelifex, cheap, built very well, and from my experience really transparent, and sounds great! I only use it for delay/reverb, too. But the send/return from your amp distorting, that sounds weird.

Yes, that is a known "feature" of the cobra, the signal from the preamp is very hot and only rack stuff, and 18v stompboxes have enough headroom to take it