Hey gang!

Pretty sure I've asked a similar question before, but it was a while ago, and some new stuff might've come out that I'm not aware of, or some folk might not have seen my prior thread. Anyways...
This is what I've got currently:
EB Jr Volume Pedal
Budda Wah
Voodoo Lab Commander
Voodoo Lab Pedal Switcher (x2)
Boss TU-2
TC Nova Modulator
EHX Small Stone Nano
Fulltone OCD
Malekko E300
Hardwire Reverb
Hardwire Delay
Line 6 DL-4
Basically the setup I've got allows me to select from 10 presets for my effects, without stomping multiple effects buttons. I can just stomp one preset on the Commander, and it will enable the effects for that preset.
My workflow has been to hit an amp channel switch whilst at the same time hitting a preset on the Commander. Sometimes I also just enable a single effect, and yet again sometimes I just switch the channels on my amp and don't touch the effects.
So this setup allows me to:
1. Go from a clean or rhythm sound with effects, to a distorted sound without effects.
2. Go from a distorted sound without effects, to a clean or rhythm sound with effects.
3. Turn on a single effect whilst using any sound on my amp, or whilst using any set of previous effects - basically I can easily ADD an effect to the current set of effects that I have active.
So whilst my setup is quite capable of a range of sounds, I do find it a little limiting sometimes. Mainly because I want to add some other pedals in the effects loop of my amp, and don't really have a way to add them into my current preset rig.
So I'm thinking of moving away to something else entirely. But I don't know what. I was hoping someone could give me some advice on what to pursue - something that will give me the same as what I've got now, but with a bit more control.
Ideally I could switch everything (amp + effects) from a single switch, but still have other switches I can use to add or take away effects, or change amp channels. Basically I want it all!! lol!
The only thing I can really think of is the Axe-FX and the MFC-101 controller. But that's a lot of money for what essentially is just an effects rig.
The Line 6 M13 has the sounds. But it doesn't really have the switchability - and it only has four effects simultaneously. If I add more effects into my effects loop, chances are I could be running up to 8 effects simultaneously at varying points in our songs.
Does anyone have any ideas?? Something cheaper than the Axe-FX ideally. Whilst I could save up for the next 6 months or so to get it, I sort of don't want to do that because it comes with a lot of stuff I wouldn't use.
Sorry for the long post!