need advice on Rammstein cover :D


(╯°â–¡°ï¼‰â•¯ï¸µ ┻━┻
Jun 11, 2007
Hamburg / Perth WA
Sounds really cool man, I don't know the original, but I'm liking this. What did you use for the choirs? I'd mess with that snare some, it needs to be tighter sounding, it sounds like it's getting cremated by your limiter, using the Waves L2 by any chance? :p
I love the guitar sound. Could you give some details on the settings by any chance? I have to agree with Cobhc on the snare sound. It might sound better with a clipper on the snare rather than a limiter. The limiter is squashing the snare too much.
I'm pretty familiar with the original. Pretty good job, the tone is very chunky, but I think it could use a little more higher-mid/highs for some cut. I agree about the snare, it's comped to hell. Try clipping it .

What settings/impulse/processing is done on the guitars, and what choir synth is that.
I've used a free soundfont chor from Papelmedia. You can download the SF2 from here The settings where pretty basic, here is a pic: + real TS (drive at zero, tone full, level on 12 o clock). As you can see on the pic i've used a slo 100 impulse i found here a while ago. And besides of that i've used a free tape saturation plugin (jb ferox) on the guitars.. that was pretty much all.

Thanks for your advice!
I've used a free soundfont chor from Papelmedia. You can download the SF2 from here The settings where pretty basic, here is a pic: + real TS (drive at zero, tone full, level on 12 o clock). As you can see on the pic i've used a slo 100 impulse i found here a while ago. And besides of that i've used a free tape saturation plugin (jb ferox) on the guitars.. that was pretty much all.

Thanks for your advice!

Awesome, I'm not even sure how to use this soundfont but thanks man. :rock:

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