Need An Honest Openion.......

The content looks good, if that's what you're asking. If you're asking for a critique of the design, here goes:

Overall, it looks pretty good. I'd add some cellpadding to the tables so the text isn't right up against the table borders. The menus are nice, but they don't seem to fit the site. I'm assuming that you downloaded them from somewhere and they weren't custom made, am I wrong? If you can customize them to fit better with the rest of the design, it would help. It seems the site is specifically for those on lower resolutions. I run at 1280 x 1024 and the fonts are all too small to read (nothing below 9 pt should be used) and the image at the top repeats. Since it is repeating, I can assume it is a background image, so you may just want to stretch out that background blue pattern to 1600 pixels wide (total for the image) so it won't repeat on any resolution. And, one of my personal pet peeves is having the first page require me to click on another link to get into the actual site. You may just want to make the second page the home page and include your message about the site on that page. That's just a personal preference, though, and really a minor issue.

That critique might sound harsh, but it is not intended to be so. Overall, the design is good, I am just simply offering a few pointers that can make it even better. Anyway, great to see another metal site on the net. We need more people helping spread the word, so to speak.