need answers


Order to Chaos
Jan 29, 2006
hi, i am new to this forum, and started listening to metal few months ago. So, i want some answers to these questions.
1. When you you buy and album, and you listen to it, if you didn't like it from the first listen, do you still listen to it countless? times, or you just sell it to someone else?
2. when you listen to an whole album everyday, don't you get confused, like when there is a part you like it from a song on that album, don't you get confused which song ad that part from the album?
hi, i am new to this forum, and started listening to metal few months ago. So, i want some answers to these questions.
1. When you you buy and album, and you listen to it, if you didn't like it from the first listen, do you still listen to it countless? times, or you just sell it to someone else?

2. when you listen to an whole album everyday, don't you get confused, like when there is a part you like it from a song on that album, don't you get confused which song ad that part from the album?

1.Not countlessly but I do listen to it a few times so I can try and get into the album, a lot of albums I don't like at first listen grow on me after just a few listens. After a few listens and I still don't like it, I give up on it! Edit: and sell it

2. No of course not man because I know what song it is from the album because every song has a different name to it. I use an iPod so this problem doesn't faze me. Also after a few listens I study each song name and by then I know what the album is like guitar string by guitar string by about a few listens. No madder how alike some of the songs might be off the album, I usually never find myself confused about sameyness because there's usually always differences with the songs off the album.
1. I keep listening, some albums just need to grow on you. But if I still don't like it after let's say 8 listens, I give up for a while then try again after a few months since my music taste constantly changes.

2. Sometimes but usually not.
ok, thanks for the ppl who gave me good answers, for example Blue_Jay's was the best, and other were good too, but i dont want to mention the names one by one. Whoever did stupid things, and didn't answer to the questions as if they didn't understand, they could even never reply to the topic, if you didn't understand why bother writing stupid, and non-sense replies. But thanks for those who gave excellent answers
ok, thanks for the ppl who gave me good answers, for example Blue_Jay's was the best, and other were good too, but i dont want to mention the names one by one. Whoever did stupid things, and didn't answer to the questions as if they didn't understand, they could even never reply to the topic, if you didn't understand why bother writing stupid, and non-sense replies. But thanks for those who gave excellent answers

Perhaps you could use better english next time so people don't have to try to figure out what you're asking.
1) I don't usually buy albums I don't like. Because I have intuition, a strong knowledge of what exactly my taste is, and of course, online reviews always help.

2) Not sure what you are asking, but I listen to 3 albums per day, and I sure as hell don't get 'confused'. I mean, how can you not help knowing what song you like?
Perhaps you could use better english next time so people don't have to try to figure out what you're asking.

Well, so many ppl understood what the hell am i talking about, but for better English, im Lebanese, so my English might be a little bit vague, but still it is very good.
If I don't like an album the first time I listen to it, I definitely give it a few more spins. If I still don't like it after several more listens, I stop listening to it. Some of my favorite albums are albums that I did not particularly like the first time I listened to them.
1. When you you buy and album, and you listen to it, if you didn't like it from the first listen, do you still listen to it countless? times, or you just sell it to someone else?

I usually don't come along a lot of albums I dislike, but if I do, either I'll listen to it a couple more times to accustom myself to it or just not listen to it very often.

2. when you listen to an whole album everyday, don't you get confused, like when there is a part you like it from a song on that album, don't you get confused which song ad that part from the album?

Sometimes, yeah. There are so many riffs and parts from songs going through my head constantly that I often cannot remember what song they came from (I searched for the main riff to Satyricon's "Storm (of the Destroyer)", not knowing what it was, for nearly six months), but I can usually identify a song upon hearing a riff because I try to analyze each song on an album.
1. I usually know if I'm going to like an album before I buy it. With the price of CDs I don't toss money around without being pretty sure.

2. If you just started listening a few months ago that's probably why you're getting confused... too much information too fast. I've been listening to metal all my life and I don't have any problem keeping songs straight because I've not trying to cram a lifetime of listening into a few months.
lmao :heh:

hi, i am new to this forum, and started listening to metal few months ago. So, i want some answers to these questions.
1. When you you buy and album, and you listen to it, if you didn't like it from the first listen, do you still listen to it countless? times, or you just sell it to someone else?
2. when you listen to an whole album everyday, don't you get confused, like when there is a part you like it from a song on that album, don't you get confused which song ad that part from the album?

1. Uh, I rarely ever sell albums. I either give them to friends if I really can't get into it, or it'll collect dust. Sometimes I'll come back to an album, like months, or even years later, and I find myself appreciating it much more than I did before. Or, hating it.

2. Not anymore. I listen to music on my PC or mp3 player, so I can always tell what track is playing. Back when I used cassettes and my walkman though... well it was a different story, like a matter of looking on the back of that cd cover all the time. :lol:
lmao :heh:

1. Uh, I rarely ever sell albums. I either give them to friends if I really can't get into it, or it'll collect dust. Sometimes I'll come back to an album, like months, or even years later, and I find myself appreciating it much more than I did before. Or, hating it.

2. Not anymore. I listen to music on my PC or mp3 player, so I can always tell what track is playing. Back when I used cassettes and my walkman though... well it was a different story, like a matter of looking on the back of that cd cover all the time. :lol:

mp3 players are nice.

Listen to an album from start to finsh is hard to do at first.