What is the best band/song to...

Blue Moon

Staring at the Sun
Nov 14, 2001
Down the Hallway of Always
1. ... drive a long distance alone ?

2. ... drive a long distance with friends ?

3. ... make love ?

4. ... fuck on ? (there's a difference you know !)

5. ... listen to while on Extasy ?

6. ... listen out LOUD ?

7. ... lull you to sleep ?

8. ... listen to without interruption of any kind (no talking, no lights, just laying there and have a very concentrated listening)

9. ... play a medieval RPG ?

10. ... play an horror RPG ?

11. ... play a futuristic RPG ?

12. ... cry on ?

13. ... wake up on ?

14. ... listen to while you are pissed off ?

15. ... turns you on ?

Rules :
- Not necessarily metal.
- Don't have to answer everything (i.e. you don't play RPGs, you don't take drugs, don't want everybody to know what turns you on)
- You can answer with a band, a song, a band and a song from a different band, etc.
- Max. 3 bands and 3 songs for each answers.
- If you think of another question, just post it.
