so, what is the most universally liked metal band?

Which of the following bands do you like?

  • Total voters
The Chasm are not influential in the slightest. I don't see the point in having any relatively obscure bands on this poll. With that said, Bolt Thrower were quite a random pick.
I voted Slayer....never been to a single show where there weren't at least a handful of Slayer shirts there. Not to mention there's always some ass yelling "SLAYER!!!!" no matter what show it is.
If by "best" you mean "one of the worst", and by "should win" you mean "deserve their position on the list entirely".
The Chasm are not influential in the slightest. I don't see the point in having any relatively obscure bands on this poll. With that said, Bolt Thrower were quite a random pick.

i didnt read anything beyond the title of this thread .... but that point is not relevant to 'the most universially liked metal band'. influence (in this context) has nothing to do with what is liked.

as i alluded to in my first post - its all relative to the audience / population. here, where the chasm is not genuinely obscure, it could be considered as 'the most universially liked', and i think it probably is. whereas, asking the general public, it would almost definitely be slayer or black sabbath .... maybe maiden ....