Need crit on this, both mixing/songwriting/mastering

I really dig this man. I think the kick is a little loud, personally. If you bring it down so it gels with the rest of the mix I think it'll sound great.
The kick really didn't sound too loud to me. But then again I was listening on laptop speakers. Starting at :28 the chugs sounded heavily edited to me, if that's what you are going for,then keep it. I did really like the overall sound.
Yupp the kick is way loud, forgot to fix that before i uploaded it.
3tuxedo: Its meant to be very tight sounding but not sound overedited, like Born of Osiris and that stuff.
tmitchell33: What u mean with grainy? I know the vox are pretty crappy, recorded it on the first try i think so will probably redo it :)