Need drum editing on 6 songs


New Metal Member
Jan 26, 2007
So... I need a drum editor to finish an album. Long story short: it's taken 4 months and 4 editors to come up with 2 completely edited songs. It's ridiculous and I'm beyond frustrated. First guy got busy with other projects; 2nd guy did sloppy work and I didn't use him again; 3rd guy was just okay but took over a month on a single song; and 4th guy started a song and never got back to me. So I have 2 out of 8 songs completed over the course of 4 months. This is such a simple project, but I can't get anyone to stick through it. Here's what I need:

I have 6 songs that need drums quantized and edited to be tighter. The drums were rushed during production and there's a bit of sloppiness here and there. Mostly, though, it just needs snapped to the grid for tightness and some fills/blastbeats/doublekicks corrected, while also maintaining phase coherence across mics (absolutely vital, as the band is going for a more natural, acoustic drum sound rather than sample-driven sounds).

Stylistically, the songs are melodic death metal. There are some tempo and time signature changes throughout each song, but nothing too crazy. A few blast beats and double kick sections here and there, but it's pretty conservative.

I need these edited quickly, cleanly and properly by Jan 15th. That's about 3 weeks to edit 6 songs. Each song has around 20 drum trucks (see list below).

If you're interested and serious, please PM your price quote for all 6 songs. Sorry, but no more per-song editors. My back's against a wall with a deadline and I need someone who will actually complete the project this time, so I will pay 50% after 3 songs are finished and the other 50% when the final 3 are finished. This way I get someone professional who sticks with the project until completion, and I also get to weed out the guys who just do a song and move on. It sucks, but like I said, I'm on a deadline now and just need results.

Hit me up with any questions you have. Drum track info below.

  1. Kick In
  2. Kick Trigger
  3. Snare Top 1
  4. Snare Top 2
  5. Snare Bottom
  6. Snare Trigger
  7. Tom Rack Top
  8. Tom Rack Bottom
  9. Tom Rack Trigger
  10. Tom Floor Top
  11. Tom Floor Bottom
  12. Tom Floor Trigger
  13. HiHats
  14. Ride
  15. Overhead L
  16. Overhead R
  17. Room Mono
  18. Room Figure 8
Oops, sorry, the 5 was a typo. I just corrected it. It's 6 songs that need edited.