Need help advice on the progressive metal mix! Guitar tone especially!


New Metal Member
Aug 22, 2012
Going to be producing a single for a friends band this is a piece of it.(demo) The equipment we used is actually quite cheap.
nothing high end. The problem I'm really having is the Tone of the guitars and trying to get it to sound, big and full. Right now they sound thin and weak :(
Some bits of information
We will not double track. (periphery doesnt and their guitars still sound full)
Vocals are yet to come
Used LTD ESP guitar and Ibanez 7 string
The tuning is Drop F

I think with new strings and better pick ups itll sound better. but i really need some help, trying to get something like an AXE FX kind of tone.
Using LeGION and Gods Cab

is it really a dream if we dont have the right rig? or is it in the eq? SNIPPET.mp3
How you do that in dropbox that it give choice of download or add to my dropbox?
You should reference to Scale the summit, they are my reference to prog metal.
From I know they recorded through 2 amps and 2 cabinets.

Try blending 2 amps for same take (dual tracking) or each amp for each pair tracked (quad tracking). I would suggest to experiment blending Orange/ marshal amps with Engl/ Mesa.
Well yeah, i saw on a forum that bulb was actually responding too, cant find the link though.. but he said he doesnt like to double track. and doesnt.
in any case, yeah, the band refuses to double track as they dont like how it sounds, (round)(?) but yeah any other solutions?