Need help from a Swede


Dust and Bones
Apr 18, 2006
Perth, Western Australia
This is for any Swedish people who might be able to help me out with a question that will probably make me look like a retard.

I'm in the UK at the moment and am trying to buy a ticket for the Muskelrock festival through and the website won't accept my credit card, so I need to ring up eventim and talk to them.

The number is 0771 651000, which I am assuming is not a regular phone number. I tried calling today using the prefixes 00 (to call out of the UK) then 46 (Sweden country code) then the number. I tried various combinations, including dropping the first 0 in the number, adding 8 for the Stockholm area code, but nothing worked. A couple of times I got a short, looped message in Swedish which I assume meant something like "the number you have called is not in service".

If any of you guys could help I'd be most thankful, there's some serious Heavy Metalling at stake here!