Need help from Chicago area fans

Andy Laudano

Feb 24, 2005
Ft Worth Texas
Hey Guys!

First of all thanks for all your hospitality during the Chicago Power Fest. I had a great time in your city. Anyway, I really want to see the upcoming Edguy/HammerFall tour but they're not coming anywhere near where I live in Texas. I checked on airfare to the cities they'll be playing and my best deal is to go to the Chicago show. With Prog Power around the corner I dont want to spend too much so the plan would be to fly in, see the show, try to meet the band/get CD's signed, go back to the airport and catch an early flight back home the next morning. So my question is for anyone who's gone to a show at the House of Blues, What's the venue like? How easy is it to get autographs after the show? Are the tour buses acessable? I called the HoB and they said the best thing is to take the train from the airport to downtown and it drops you off right by the HoB. How long does that take? He said they also run late at night, how safe is the "L" at night? How much is a taxi to the airport? Any info you could give me would be invalueable!

Thanks again for your help ~ Andy
I can't help you about the train as I usually go down in my car. But what I can tell you is that the HOB is in a really good area (as far as Chicago goes) and is a really nice venue. This place is right behind the Earthlink as one of the best places to see a show. The only thing that blows is that there is very little seating, so you probably will be standing most of the time (whether or not that is a prob.)

As far as afterwards for autographs, you just need to go around the side of the block and walk past the Harry Carey's Resturaunt (fuck the CHI Cubs :Spin: ). Take a right again down the alley and it leads down to a basement-area when they keep the tour buses. Usually you can wait right by the buses and I usually haven't had a hard time with security or anything like that. The only problems have been with certain band members being pricks about signing stuff (Glenn Tipton, you can toss my salad).

That all said, I'm sure you'll have a good time.
Andy Laudano said:
Hey Guys!

First of all thanks for all your hospitality during the Chicago Power Fest. I had a great time in your city. Anyway, I really want to see the upcoming Edguy/HammerFall tour but they're not coming anywhere near where I live in Texas. I checked on airfare to the cities they'll be playing and my best deal is to go to the Chicago show. With Prog Power around the corner I dont want to spend too much so the plan would be to fly in, see the show, try to meet the band/get CD's signed, go back to the airport and catch an early flight back home the next morning. So my question is for anyone who's gone to a show at the House of Blues, What's the venue like? How easy is it to get autographs after the show? Are the tour buses acessable? I called the HoB and they said the best thing is to take the train from the airport to downtown and it drops you off right by the HoB. How long does that take? He said they also run late at night, how safe is the "L" at night? How much is a taxi to the airport? Any info you could give me would be invalueable!

Thanks again for your help ~ Andy

Your best bet is to take the train from the airport. It is called the "Blue Line" and will only run you $1.75 each way. Trains usually leave every 10 mins or less. It takes 45 mins to go from the airport to the area near House of Blues. Taxis run between $35-45 each way and depending on the time you arrive, the train is faster. The Blue Line lets you off just a few blocks away from the HOB. The train is very safe. I have taken it at all times of the day and have never felt unsafe. The area near the HOB is really safe too so you would have no issues walking around that neighborhood. There are a couple of good bars too in the area to catch a beer beforehand (Fado's, Rock Bottom, Timothy o Toole's). As for hotels that are cheaper I would look into the Red Roof, Courtyard, or any other you can priceline in the Upper Michigan Avenue hotel district. Sounds like you may be pulling an all nighter instead. I live about a quarter mile from HOB and will definitely be there too! Any other questions, just ask. Hope this helps!
Walter_Langkowski said:
I can't help you about the train as I usually go down in my car. But what I can tell you is that the HOB is in a really good area (as far as Chicago goes) and is a really nice venue. This place is right behind the Earthlink as one of the best places to see a show. The only thing that blows is that there is very little seating, so you probably will be standing most of the time (whether or not that is a prob.)

As far as afterwards for autographs, you just need to go around the side of the block and walk past the Harry Carey's Resturaunt (fuck the CHI Cubs :Spin: ). Take a right again down the alley and it leads down to a basement-area when they keep the tour buses. Usually you can wait right by the buses and I usually haven't had a hard time with security or anything like that. The only problems have been with certain band members being pricks about signing stuff (Glenn Tipton, you can toss my salad).

That all said, I'm sure you'll have a good time.

Just out of curiosity, whats the story with Glenn Tipton? He was really cool when I met him a few years back.
Andy Laudano said:
Hey Guys!

First of all thanks for all your hospitality during the Chicago Power Fest. I had a great time in your city. Anyway, I really want to see the upcoming Edguy/HammerFall tour but they're not coming anywhere near where I live in Texas. I checked on airfare to the cities they'll be playing and my best deal is to go to the Chicago show. With Prog Power around the corner I dont want to spend too much so the plan would be to fly in, see the show, try to meet the band/get CD's signed, go back to the airport and catch an early flight back home the next morning. So my question is for anyone who's gone to a show at the House of Blues, What's the venue like? How easy is it to get autographs after the show? Are the tour buses acessable? I called the HoB and they said the best thing is to take the train from the airport to downtown and it drops you off right by the HoB. How long does that take? He said they also run late at night, how safe is the "L" at night? How much is a taxi to the airport? Any info you could give me would be invalueable!

Thanks again for your help ~ Andy

Your best bet is to take the train because it is the cheapest and quickest way from either airport. But the Blue Line only runs from O'Hare Airport. If you are flying in to Midway Airport, you would want to take the Orange Line directly from Midway to the State & Lake stop. The train will let you off about a block or so from the venue.

HoB is the best place in Chicago to see a metal show. It definitely has the best sound. Also pretty good for getting autographs inside the venue. Most of the bands walk around after their sets. The buses however are a little harder to get to. They are located underground and I am not sure if the public can even get down there.

Chicago' a great metal town. Can't wait to see you there.

Hello Chi-Town!

Thanks again for all your help! I just got my plane tickets so I'll be leaving Texas on the 21st and heading out there to see Edguy/HammerFall with the rest of you Metalheads!

See you there ~ Andy
Andy Laudano said:
Hello Chi-Town!

Thanks again for all your help! I just got my plane tickets so I'll be leaving Texas on the 21st and heading out there to see Edguy/HammerFall with the rest of you Metalheads!

See you there ~ Andy

Great news! We'll catch you at the show. Dusro and I will be there in full force. We'll have to catch a beer. You made the right choice at going for the HOB Chicago show.
Andy Laudano said:
Just out of curiosity, whats the story with Glenn Tipton? He was really cool when I met him a few years back.

I waited outside with a couple buds of mine for a while to get JP's sigs on a couple things. No major amount of stuff to be signed, just three CD insleeves for myself. This was on the Demolition tour with Ripper. There were about 10 people waiting down with us.

GT, KK, Travis and Hill came out (minus Ripper, the tr00 Rockstar) about after 80-90 minutes of waiting. Travis was a bit odd for a bit, just really not wanting to sign but doing it and looking up a lot. KK and Hill were very nice
and signed our things graciously. But GT was really just spazzing after he signed ONE CD for me, saying "Is that all? Come one, come on, I gotta go..."

I guess the enourmous stress of seeing a teeming mass of humanity (13 or so) really freaked out ol' GT and he became quite agitated :erk: . This wasn't my first case of meeting a rude musician and I'm sure not the last, but it does stand out in my mind as being unnecessary.

It left me with a bad taste in my mouth for JP and I put all my future autograph energy now into getting burned, unpaid-for recordings of their music.

See how that works, GT? :wave:
Have fun on your plane trip buddy. Nice to know that you chose our city to come and see Hammerfall and Edguy. The HOB is the nicest place in chicago to see a show. It is the earthlink of chicago. The sound is great and anywhere you stand you can see.

I would highly sugguest not taking a taxi or anything else other then the "L". You may run into a couple of beggers on the corners late that night, but they are harmless. Taxi's are really expensive.

Keep Rockin'!