Need help From Fellow Musicians


Nov 13, 2003
Las Vegas
Of 1st off im trying to put a website together that offers guitarists a chance to duel online and win prizes. yea i know theres GUITAR WAR but G-WAR doesnt offer FREE battles the only offer paid ones, we will offer both and you get some kick ass shit if you win.

We will be offering Annual prizes to the free winners. And Bi-Annual Prizes to paid winners. And im trying to get this done ASAP

i was wondering if theres anyone out there willing to help we will cut you in on the website and let you admin and help us out.

I need a module that will track stats on the website from polls in the forum. It needs to track votes via category and be able to match up users via number of votes, age, and category. It also needs to take the matched up users and add their matchup to the main category automatically so everyone can vote on it.

i know vary little about PHP nuke except how to edit the text and set it up. im a 100% noob at this. And i need to get this module done ASAP.

If im thinking about this correctly, i also have to put in a script that would allow users to put in their age, and specify the category they are entering.

I would also need a module that would make sure voting can only be done by Registered users.

My original plans were to use the articles section and just do the voting throgh there and tally everything manually, but that would be a nightmare.

Is it even possible for PHPnuke to Do this. ???

If you guys Know anyone whos good with PHP thats willing to help for FREE. We will cut them in on the profit charing on this. This is a totally 100% legit thing.

Any Help Would Be Appreciated.

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