Need help from guitar geeks


Nov 4, 2005
London U.K.
Hi guys.

I got a guitar I want to get rid of as I'm a drummer and I proved myself to be useless at any other instrument.

Here is what I know about the guitar:

- Make: Jackson
- Model JRR (Randy Rhoads one - don't know what the "J" stands for)
- No Floyd Rose, the strings go all the way to the back of the guitar through the wood.
- It's got an EMG pick up (how can I find out which model?)
- It's made in Japan, which probably means it's better than ones made after Jackson moved the factory to Korea (or at least that's what I heard!)
- the other pickup is a jackson.
- The electrics are a bit messed up, only one pick up seem to be connected.

So the question is, could I sell this and make a few decent quid? or is it worth nothing? If it's worth nothing, I'll keep as it does look "cool" and might be handy for the occasional overdub.

Help please!

Post some pics I might be interested, I love Jackson Rhoads V's. Even if it's crap I still might jump on it as I've wanted to nab another Rhoads V to do some custom paintwork on. You can e-mail them to me at

I'll try to see if I can dig up some info for you on that model based on the specs you posted. I'm sure it originally came stock with two Jackson hummers, so the EMG is something someone else added. As far as seeing which model, I *believe* if you take the pickup out, you can look on it's underside and it will have the model name/number on it. The wiring problem (only one pickup seems to be working) isn't a big deal at all, it's most certainly just an unconnected wire. I would be willing to bet that the EMG is an active one, so it's probably one of the good ones (81, 85, etc.), and the Jackson is a passive. So maybe whoever installed it just left the Jackson disconnected. Some pictures would really help. Maybe even a soundclip or two?

I believe I found some info about it online here. It seems Jackson made these ones quite a while back. The JRR-94. Here are some specs, maybe you can confirm if this sounds like the same guitar:

1x tone knob
2x volume knobs
3-way toggle
dot inlays
22 jumbo frets
bolt-on maple neck w/ rosewood (dark wood) fingerboard
Jackson tuners

Sound about right?

The going used price I've been finding on HarmonyCentral and another review site are anywhere between $250-$400.

I'm sure it's a good guitar, play wise, but as far as resale I'm afraid it apparently doesn't go for that much. I would still be interested in buying it off of ya though. :) I can easily see a nice custom paintjob on it and another EMG. It's going for $154 on eBay, but it's got the original pups in it, I'd like to have an EMG in it, so thats why I'm interested in yours. I'm going to be selling my 5150 combo here in a week or so, I can gaurantee a buy then. How's this sound...$ another $75 for the EMG, and I'll cover shipping. So $229+s&h. Sound good?

i bet that's a cool guitar. jacksons RULE. these older jap models really aren't as expensive as they should be (well, now THAT depends on whether you wanna buy or sell one lol). i have a professional series king V loaded with an emg81 that sounds, feels, and plays AWESOME. if it was neck through and 24frets i seriously doubt i'd even want to play another guitar lol
good luck!
just so people know, you can tell which EMG the pickups are by looking at the colour of the letters 'EMG' - gold, silver, bronze, whatever... that's the easist way of telling.
That I'm London - England and you guys seem to be in the U.S! so you won't want to pay a small fortune for the shipping.

I didn't get a chance to take the pictures last night, but I'll be doing it over the weekend.

So... If it's an ok guitar, Why does it sell so cheap? it's probably getting hard to find too...

Ohh yeah, the color is red, with black bits. looks nice.
They aren't all that hard to find, they pop up on eBay frequently. I'm curious to know just exactly how much shipping would be from where you are in the UK to San Antonio, Texas 78247. If it's obnoxious, I'll say nevermind, but if it's not too bad, I'll still want that axe, lol. :)

Just be aware, if you post this on EBay and misrepresent the guitar in any way, the Jackson Nazi's will be ALL OVER YOUR ASS!. Those guys don't fuck around. I found out the hard way. An honest mistake turned into an email war.
Ok here are the pics. they are a bit shit. mobile phones... you know.

the EMG writing on the pick up seems gold colour.

Let me know what you guys think.




