Need help from someone with a 100W 5150 III

Jun 26, 2009
New Jersey
I'm kind of in a weird situation. My 100W 5150 III has been sounding like a bunch of flies buzzing around in a box (for lack of a better description). I'm not sure what's wrong with it, but to help determine it, I need to know if it's in the preamp section or power section. All I ask is if someone could run the Rose Of Sharyn guitars DI's into their amp and out their FX Send. This way it's just a preamp signal. From there, I can load an impulse on it, do the same exact thing with mine, and see if there is a huge difference or not.

I'll pay $10 to whoever can do it. It's an odd job, but it should take 15 minutes to do at most. Shoot me a PM

I just changed the tubes yesterday, that doesn't seem to be the culprit at all.
Sorry to crash your thread but I'm interested in this also because my block letter 5150 seems to do something similar. The full tone is there, but on top of it is a weird high end buzzy type of sound that is still there with presence and treble at 0.