Need help on EDGUY


crazed tattooed metalhead
Jan 19, 2002
need info on Edguy
I wasn't at Progpower but everyone has me curious. I am assuming they are power metal. The one thing about some power metal bands are the ones with vocalist that sound like their body parts are caught in a vice like Jag Panzer. I hate that even if the muscianship is good.

How would one describe Edguy? What would be the best cd to start off with?
Originally posted by tattooedsean666
The one thing about some power metal bands are the ones with vocalist that sound like their body parts are caught in a vice like Jag Panzer. I hate that even if the muscianship is good.
:lol: I'm afraid you will hear that again with Edguy, only in Sammet's very own yodel version :devil:
if you wanna hear a good singer doing high-pitched vocals without sounding too ridiculous and annoying, listen to David Readman's voice. he has a very clear and stable voice
:yell: HEY! U leave Tobias alone!

He rules live!

Look if you like power metal along the lines of Helloween then you'll love Edguy.

They get better with every cd. They have 5. 5 (one was a rerecording :D ) which isn't bad for a band that's got an average age of about 26 and have been around for 10 years :p have a few samples.

I've you going to get any, I'd start with the latest and work back if you end up liking what you hear.

Look, I've seen the guys live 6 times and they never disappoint. Not only are they awesome performers but they're genuine guys without any rockstar attitude.
I was at ProgPower. Going in, I wasn't the biggest Edguy fan, but they were awesome live! Tons of energy, and Tobias Sammet is a very charismatic performer, picture Bruce Dickinson on speed..... So, I ran out and bought their newest album, all buzzed from the show. Know what? Same as before. A little stronger, but I still like them much better as a live band. On their sound, I'd compare them to old Kiske-era Helloween (which I LOVE), just a slightly lesser version for my tastes. I'd probably like these guys better if there was no Helloween. When I listen to Edguy, I find myself wanting to switch to 'Keepers Of The Seven Keys'.... I'll say this-- Edguy score big points for being a great live band as well as a bunch of very cool dudes to their fans. Zero points for originality, though. So, if you can't get enough of the old Helloween sound, you'll dig this enough.