Need help on first mix ever!


New Metal Member
Oct 12, 2010
Ok so here is my mix, and what I used to record it all.
Reaper 4
schecter hellraiser with emg 81/85
and guitar rig 5 using ultrasonic amp(I tried to use impulses for the cab but Laconvolver was making a weird high pitched noise, if you know a free mac impulse loader that would probably improve the guitar tones.
vocals were with a sure sm57
I have a m-audio fast track pro
drums were just a basic ssd metal drum preset with the bass drum boosted at 85hz

Now i know this is not very good especially with using amp sims but I don't have a good metal amp to record, also The screams aren't the best but I have to make do with my friends abilities. The guitars were double tracked and the leads in the middle. Please don't tear it apart too bad but I really need help on just how to improve the tracks overall.
The vocals are way too loud, and seem too bright for the mix. The vocals also seem very very distorted, and not in a good way. Was there distortion put on the vocal part, or were they recorded too hot? Mic distortion?
Ok I made some changes to the vocals and I used the lecto amp sim and impulses on the guitars. So here is the new mix.

sorry the file didnt render right I'll have to upload another one soon.