Need Help On Thursday Afternoon!


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Mar 29, 2003
As most of you have read on the "Stair Update" thread below the issue has been raised about the safety of the stairs in the venue. So thanks to Glenn we are able to remedy the situation. The only issue is that we need to start at 3PM on Thursday. My flight unfortunately gets in at 4:15PM. So I need to enlist at least 2 people to help and show up at the venue before me to get it started. Volunteers should not respond to this thread but either PM me on this board or e-mail me at metalrag at yahoo dot com. Thanks in advance.

-Sean (AKA The Q)
From a previous post, it sounded like this was only a 3-person job. For those of us who are available to assist, should we wait to hear back from Sean...or should we just show up at the venue?

I contacted Sean via e-mail, but I'll only be "wired" for a few more days...unless there is an Internet Cafe available in the Midtown area.

I will be e-mailing folks back today with all the details. I apologize for the delay but I only have web access on Tuesdays and Saturdays.

It also looks like we will be doing this on Friday NOT Thursday, due to my plane coming in late. I will just be making the pre-party.
I'll be at the venue to hand out raffle tickets to those picking up badges at 1pm on Friday, I could slip in early & do some taping before then if need be..or after 4pm Thursday, as I'll be there for the same reason then..
We planned on helping stuffing merch. bags early friday, so let us know if you still need help. Two of us can be available.
So when on Friday are you planning to do this, Sean? As it is I'll be getting there around noon, do I need to get there earlier?
not sure yet as I've been calling and calling to find my dialysis time on Friday. I guess I will find out tomorrow or Thursday. Sorry.