Need help piecing together the Memphis Setlist


New Metal Member
Dec 15, 2003
Here are the songs. I may be missing one or two, but this is the best I could get it. I know the sequence is off. I want to get it 100% exactly right. If anybody wrote it down during the show, or has seen a copy of it floating around feel free to lay it out.

I was front row center the whole show, met the band after the show, and got a shitload of pics. I will put them up once I get them developed with a full review.


Contact (tape)

What Doesn't Die
Caught in a Mosh
Got the Time
Safe Home
Inside Out
Nobody Knows Anything
Dethroned Emperor (intro)
Belly of the Beast
Refuse to Be Denied
I Am the Law
Well, after talking to another fan that attended the show, we agreed that Got the Time was the second song, not the third. It's a start I guess.

Contact (tape)

What Doesn't Die
Got the Time
Caught in a Mosh
Safe Home
Inside Out
Nobody Knows Anything
Dethroned Emperor (intro)
Belly of the Beast
Refuse to Be Denied
I Am the Law
Orgasmatron owns ass.

And yes, the show was completely awesome. One of the best shows I have ever seen.

On the contrary, the opening bands were some of the worst crap I have ever heard, but Anthrax ruled all.
Actually, Metallica kicked monster ass on Summer Sanitarium, I hit the show in Atlanta. They played everything from Blackened to No Remorse. It was awesome.

The second band that opened for Anthrax was called "No Hope For the Hindenburgh". They were HORRIBLE! They had 2 singers, and neither one of them could sing shit. Their bassist was horrible. The 2 singers were the worst part by far.

Worst. Band. Ever.

The main question I have for the Anthrax set is this.

We listened to Anthrax all the way to Memphis and all the way back.

I cannot remember if they played Among the Living, Hy Pro Glo, and Room for One More.

I remember hearing it, but can't distinguish between what they actually played and what we jammed to before and after the show.

Grrr @ alcohol and it's effects on your memory.
They didn't play any of those three songs in Memphis.
BTW, one of the singers from No Hopes Like the Hindenburg is the son of a local DJ on our classic rock station. Explains why they got the gig, because they were the shittiest band I've ever seen.
Also, I can't remember, but I think they played I Am the Law after Only. Not 100%, so don't quote me on that.
Thanks for the help man. We listened to Anthrax for 5 hours there, and 5 hours back. We listened to everything. When it came time to write out the set, I remembered hearing everything. It was crazy.

Updated Memphis set is as follows. Anybody else that was there and can dispute the order or add a song please feel free. This is the best I could do. I don't think the order of Fueled and Inside Out is right, but otherwise I think it is pretty damn close.

Contact (tape)

What Doesn't Die
Got the Time
Caught in a Mosh
Safe Home
Inside Out
Nobody Knows Anything
Dethroned Emperor (intro)
Belly of the Beast
Refuse to Be Denied
I am the Law