Need help thickening bass and guitar tone a little(melodic metal with sick harmonies)

Dude, that sounds pretty cool, but the harmonies seem overpowering of the whole rest of the track. Maybe you tried to compensate for the "thin" tone (which I think sounds fine honestly) by bring em up in the mix.

I'm assuming this using amp sims. If you are on windows, check out Ferox. Its a tape saturation vst. I use it on all of my guitar tracks now that I use for amp sims. I am still a newb, but I have noticed an improvement in the tone. I normally put it in between the amp and the impulse loader.

But really, pretty sick writing. Just seemed a bit lot and messy at some parts, but overall really cool.
thanks for the comment man ! yeah i'm using the TSE x30 , so i slapped some saturation on there like you said,
and tried to beef up the guitars and bass a little with some eq. it should sound Alot better..... What do you think ?????????