Need help with MIDI beat clock and a Triton


May 23, 2005
St Louis
I record a r&b artist a lot and I always sync his Korg Triton up to Pro tools (TDM system) to drop "instrumentation" :heh: into pro tools using midi beat clock. But every time I do, it sort of jumps (kind of speeds up) on the first second of the first bar, so everything is off the grid and makes editing take longer......

It syncs fine after the initial jump though.

Anyone know how to solve this so there is no jump and the triton drops everything on the grid?
I'm confused, are you using the triton as your sync source or PT? Even w/o that knowledge the simple solution is to have an empty measure for the sync to catch up. MIDI is slow.
I'm using pro tools to hit record and the triton slaves. That way I do 2 drops of six tracks at a time.

I've tried the em=mpty measure. Doesn't work. The speed up at the start just becomes inaudible. The music still comes in off the grid.

I've used beat clock to sync other things like an mpc up and it didn't do it. I don't know if some setting in pro tools needs to change or something in the triton needs to.