Need help with strings. Symphonic Black Metal

I personally like the mix. If you want make the guitars and strings "agree" more maybe you can try running both "tracks" through the same bus and apply a maximizer or something.

Just one thing about the mix, the ride on the final riffs sounds very machine-gun :p
Thanks a lot man. Yeah the ride could use quanitizing and some velocity adjustments but I was lazy for this mix because I have to freeze my drum track so that my CPU doesn't get bent over the table.
Sounds cool man, very powerful stuff..

What helped my synth to sit in the mix was just panning it a little bit more. In some cases I would have maybe a string synth panned maybe 50% or less to the left, and a different sounding synth panned to the right. They should not be panned to the exact same % as the guitars imo, try to give them their own place in the mix and see how that works.