need help!


New Metal Member
Aug 23, 2008
Hi there,

congratulations for the forum.

I have been turning my brain upside down for weeks in search of the name of a band i liked in the beginnings of the 90's.

It was a metal heavy/trash band, all i can remember is the cover of the album, which had a gobal blue color with a spaceship, wandering in space, nearby a planet. I remember the band was using keyboards which made the music sound really "coming from space".

Please help me remembering the name of the band ort the album and i promise i will not damage my brain anymore ! :kickass:


ps; forgive my english, im french :zombie:
this matches quite well with my description, but this is not the band im looking for... thanks for answering anyway, and since i didn't know this band im gonna check their work :)

still need help !