Need Major Fucking Help!! - Mastering Issues


Nov 13, 2003
Las Vegas
I just finished recording a band and I am preparing to mix. I am having a MAJOR issue with loudness in the mastering process. I cant get the mix above -10 RMS without it starting to distort like crazy. I have done everything I can think of to try and eliminate as much wasted energy as possible in the mix. Everything thar doesnt need bass is high passed, everything that doesnt need highs is low passed. It SOUNDS fucking great but I cant for the life of me get it to a decent volume.

When I export from the DAW everything is sitting nicely at -6 db but as soon as I bring it into a new session and bring up SSL Comp and Ozone it just takes a dive on me in the loudness department. I have been struggling with this for 3 days and I am going fucking CRAZY with it.

The band is on my ass to get it finished and its not helping the situation any.

I dont have much to offer int he way of compensation but I have a budget of about $100 I can squeeze for someone to take a look at the final mix and tell me where I went wrong and why I cant get the volume up more then -10 RMS.

I need this ASAP!

If none of you are willing to do it for that price I completely understand, but being jobless and this band being as cheap as they are there is not much I can do. I am so very proud of this mix and how it all came together it would be a nice shiny gold star on my resume for sure, and I really would like to get it as awesome as possible in the loudness department even though the band is a bunch of cheap fucks!

Anyone willing to help out hit me up via email
jcohenlv (at) gmail dot com

Please do not PM me as I dont get PM notifications from UM for some strange reason!!

Yeah I read "I can't get it above -10," and I thought ..... and? I'm not a fan of the consequences of pushing anything higher than this.
Calm down, for the love of god. It's loud enough. Just learn to live with it, if they need it louder, they have volume knobs too.