Need metal webzines/magazines/radios contacts

breaklose said:
i dunno what it is but its not metal for sure.
nevermind, the magazine itself isn't metal anymore either. (eg. with the A4 size advertisement of Ali G :lol: )
I don't think if something is good than it has to be metal and nothing else. also it's nice to see not metal-related things in the magazine every now and than. okay, there's lot of crap too, but there's nothing in the world that has good sides only. plus, others may hate what I like and the other way round. it's the great struggle for customers :grin:
Sopel said:
these are probably best ones, - biggest polish webzine (established in 1996) (also in English!)

very good polish magazine -, (it's big label here and they have magazine as well)

an maybe polish metal hammer, they are trerrible these days, but still many people buy it (don't know why) and they have 'out of darknes' (undergorund)s section.

I added them all to my list, thank you very much Sopel !