Need opinion on a mix

John Haddad (Shiva Industries)

Dump Truck Repairs
Nov 17, 2005
Corona, CA
I recently mixed this song down for a client of mine and there are 8 others in the same mix manner - ie - mix levels and tones. I feel the guitars are too loud but the client wanted it that way, please listen and shoot some feedback - weather about the volume of the guitars or just overall mix as a whole. Any suggestions would be helpful - We were going for the old school - Entomed/ Dismember production midranged gutiar tones and such........ Thanks in advance!
Thanks for the listen, I too think the snare is weak in volume - I believe the guitars are EQed in such a way that its fighting the sonics of the snare and vox, And I still believe overall the guitars are too loud, Im trying to justify a re-mix, but as time and money goes you know the gig........
I love this tune!

Wow man... excellent sound on the guitars.. i agree what has been said about the snare.. i really dig the bass and drums the most...

Sounds good to me!:rock:
yeah the guitars are throwing the mix off balance the right guitar is louding than the left (look at it in a wav editor the right cahnnel is wayy off balance this will cause all sorts of issue in the mastering process). How far panned out are the guitars and how many guitar tracks are there?

If you EQ the snare snap up a few DB and drop the guitars to an even keel I think you will be closer to a balanced mix.

Oh and I think when you tossed what ever you did over the final mix to give it a :glass master" and compress it for loudness it squashed some of the snare dynamics. I think this is all due to the guitar in the right channel issue. If you solo the left channel snare sounds better than the right.
Thanks for the input. I tracked 4 seperate guitars 2 mains are panned hard left/right and 2 other 2-3 db lower at about 60% pan with a bit of room verb. Ive had an issue with my console that the right side monitors 1.5 db lower than the left in volume so I tried to compensate by increasing volume on right guitar. I need my tech to come out and take a look.
Very good!

On guitars: The low-end is a bit shaky, try to fix it with the C4. Also the guitarsound seems to be too direkt to me, not fitting with the other instruments. You have a lot of mid-low. If you would take out some mids (midlow maybe) and add some high frequenties, i think it will sound more balanced and opener.

Snare needs to be louder, but that's already said. I always like the snare to be louder than the kick, sound more natural to me.

My 2cents.
the snare is a fine level.. don't change it, just adjust the attack and release on the snare compressor to get it popping/thumping more. and bring the guitars down and your snare will be a fine level... refer to my rules in Black Neon Bob's thread, and never listen to the band. ;)
Thanks James I always believed in the never listen to the band theory but I cant always get passed the paying person, or sometimes i'll sneak my little fixes in when their not listening - but its always for the best.

I appreciate all the feedback left, its just that this is a full length album I wasnt given enough time with and wanted to feel better about releasing it into the world with my name on it. Cheers!!!