Need Opinions On Vocals!!!!!


Holy Crap! Lions!
Jul 13, 2010
Plymouth, UK
We had some cabling problems on a day scheduled for vocal recording for our EP, so I went with an XLR-TRS cable, which should be balanced but is laballed as unbalanced. I had to use it through my profire's front inputs, using the instrument button as the interface only activates the preamps if you plug XLR's in the back.

Thing is though, it really doesn't sound that bad to my ears. The day was a test run in my untreated room just using a 57 but it sounded considerably better than the various takes we did at a studio using a selection of mics.

What I need to know is if you think this quality is usable for an EP release. They sound good to me but I am not as experienced as many of your are, nor is my monitoring environment up to par. Tell me what you think? Bear in mind the vocals are loud in the mix so you can hear them better and the backing track is a quick preprod scratchtrack for the vocalist so the mix and takes are kinda balls. Demos/thanatos quick mix.mp3

Thanks to anyone who checks it out, this kind of advice is very appreciated.
Are there lyrics or is this simply "ooosoootooodooopooolooo"? I guess it's something some people enjoy. :) Sounds like a gigantic pig.