Need some advice for new equipment


Sep 9, 2008
Hello guys.

I have recently upgraded to an RME Fireface UFX and Neumann TLM 102 and M-Audio BX5a monitors. I was working with an M-AUDIO Fast Track Pro and a very cheap mic for some years. I use Cubase 5, Superior Drummer 2, Podfarm 2, waves plugins, ozone 4, TSE X30 ampsim, recabinet impulses, PSP Vintage warmer 2. I think without any hardware on the master channel my songs will never sound as rich and fat as a proffesional production. Now i try to figure out what would be the next logical step to improve my productions. What would make the difference? I was thinking to get one of those:

TC Finalizer 96K
SPL Vitalizer MK-ii-tube
TL Audio C1 compressor

What do you think?