Need some feedback on my playing/writing


Asian Woman
Jan 19, 2002
Sydney, Australia
Hey ceydn's thread gave me the idea of giving everyone a listen to my stuff but I didn't want to hijack his thread so I've knocked up a copycat one of my own :D (Ohh yeah and my equipment's lamer 10W amp!!!:headbang: ) Dunno if you lot will enjoy it but hey why not? :D
Just want to see what you all think of my stuff... so you can shout at me to learn some proper keys for solos, or play in time or whatever.
Any budding guitarists out there got any tips or anyone want to mock a crap guitarist.. go for it.
And yeah I know Maiden and Fates Warning both have songs of the same name but it fitted :D Apparition.mp3

I'll post the lyrics up if anyone's interested.
Ohh and tell me if the harmony at the end sounds like Ancient Rome should sound...or if I'm just imagining things.