need some help for bass (finger player)


Jul 30, 2011
hello guys! recently i start the recording with a local band,all its okay but the bassist play with finger and not with pick... and here is the questions:
1. how to get a good di? i place the volume to a good level and its too quite at some places and in other places it's too loud so i have to decrease some db's with the hand...i don't have a compressor (hardware) only software(waves plugins) what to do?

2. i have never worked before with a finger bass player,i can get a veeery good tone with pick players basses,but i cant with has active pickup's and a good ibanez bass (don't remember the model)so what i have to do to get a good tone? i tried distortion and sounds like crap,i tried virtual amp and i have extacly the same problem,please help me..

if you want i can upload a di so you can check what i mean,sorry for my bad english!