Need some help with non-metal Voiceover work


May 26, 2010
Dayton, Ohio
My friend asked me to help him with a project for his Dad. His Dad's company needs a mix for background "on-hold" music for their business line. They have the music and the voice already recorded they just need them blended together. I really have never done anything like that before and do not know much yet about the source materials themselves yet. Basically I was just wondering if anyone had any "do or don't" type of advice for this kind of work so I could be a little more prepared when I get the tracks. Thanks in advance for any helpful info.
Since this comes for a business, the most important thing is: don't use music that hasn't been properly licensed. It may cost your dad a lot more in the long run. And get the voice like SUPERLOUD and clear. Meaning a lot of compression on the 1-7khz area.