Need some help with snare and kick sound


Jul 25, 2006
I'm currently doing a demo with programmed drums (done by the drummer). Some references the drummer gave me soundwise for kick are Carcass - Swansong and Death - Sound of perseverance. Clearly two different sounds eq-wise but generally not too clicky with nice punch. For snare he really likes the sound of Carcass - Heartwork (who doesn't :lol:).

I've got Steven Slate drums, EZ drummer and some samples posted by the kind people on this forum :). Does anyone have any pointers on which samples I can best use as a starting point to get the type of sounds he likes?

Of course the drums will be mixed to best fit the other instruments but I like it to sound somewhere in the direction of his taste.
Any suggestions? I hoped to save some time not having to go through all the samples I have (as you might have guessed ;))
So instead you want others to do the work for you...just sit with him and go through the samples and have him tell you which one he likes best
No, I just hoped to get some suggestions from people who for example have more experience with SSD than me (or know of some samples sounding similar to the examples), so I have a starting point. Nevermind then...
Haha, I might be able to help you with punchy and heavy sounding snare sounds... I'll try and mix some together that sound like Swansong for you dude. I'll post them later :)
Wow that would be great, actually it's Heartwork that he likes most snarewise btw. But any suggestions are welcome.
I've always been looking for a super round kick like in Sound Of Perseverance. Well, and the Heartwork snare :p
Are yall attacking the band or the fellow forumers here? If us, I never said I wanted to have that sound, I said "like".
you could've used 10 minutes to browse thru all the snares and kicks and found it yourself.

Yeah right :rolleyes: I don't know what kind of massive system you're running but just loading all the different kick samples in SSD platinum already takes more than 10 minutes here (let alone loading all the snares setting room levels to an acceptable level and testing everything against each other).

I've got a sound going on now that I think the drummer will be happy with, so I'm going to continue mixing and leave you to your negative stream of thoughts :lol:.

Thanks to those who came up with some of the suggestions above.
Why does everyone want to sound like everyone else?

The mentioned sounds are just a direction of the kind of sound the band wants. It's not like I'm given the task to make it sound exactly like Carcass or Death (the music is also quite different so it would never sound that way anyway even if I would be gifted to pull of a direct clone of their sound).