Need some inspiration, err something...(track inside)


Labizzy Bomba
Apr 9, 2007
Hey guys, this is a bit from last april that I jotted down real quick. I haven't touched an instrument or a DAW since around July of last year. I've been getting the itch here lately to try to start writing or doing something again. This was written for a project that I got together but it fell apart before it really got going. There was more to it by the demise but I never got around to finishing/re-recording it. Not a great recording by any means, volume is low and such. Recorded in Protools, PODxt yadda yadda yadda. Just guitar and drums.

Anyway, I don't know exactly what I'm wanting to hear about it so shoot away with whatever, harsh or not. Any kind of feedback may get me motivated at this point.

Ok, the fact that no one has commented gives me enough incentive to get to working on something worthy of getting a comment! Ha! :lol:
Yeah, I'd really like to try something like a John Stanier (Helmet) snare sound and see how that goes. I'm not sure if it would fit in the mix well, need to tweak it and get some bassin there too. There are a ton of good samples that community has contributed here, I just have to get off my lazy but and use 'em.

Thanks dude!

Edit: The sample is from EZ Drummer DFH, not sure which snare I used since I haven't recorded in a while. I'll try take a look and update the post tonight.
Hmm, pretty good guitar tone dude; what're the details on the podxt patch? And I agree that the snare could use a bit more balls, but it still sounds good - but is it panned like L50? I know there are many different preferences for panning, but I would greatly suggest bringing it right up the middle. The kick definitely sounds like the EZD DFHx kick, which I've actually never liked - it sounds pretty good in the mix, but in the chugga-chugga part where it comes in by itself, I hear that trademark low-mid sorta nasal sound - hard to specify where exactly in the frequency spectrum (but I just got the Golden Ears set, so soon I should be able to!), but if you also share my dislike, the way I often cut is by boosting first to find where the sound I wanna cut is living, and then mercilessly slicing it.

As for the song, I really like it a lot man, great job! (at least until the breakdown comes in :D ) That section at 1:16 especially just really grooves well with the strumming guitars under that soaring lead line (though I might put some delay/more delay on it to make it more epic and soaring). I just recently broke myself out of a pretty big composing slump too, so I know the feeling of wanting to make up for lost time. Keep up the good work!
Firstly, nice song. I've always thought that while Haake's snare sounds cool, it's just too distinct to be versatile. It sounds okay in this song though.

I like the guitars. Also is that 1988 Jason Newstead on bass? :lol:
Metaltastic and mintcheerios, thanks for the comments/compliments guys! Yeah, the breakdown sucks, it was totally different by the time we'd tweaked it out but never re-recorded it. I'm not sure about the patches on the pod, I'll have to try and hunt them down. (Hopefully I made a note of it in the session...) I took 30-40 minutes to record some tracks night before last with the Krank that I just got a couple of days ago with a Sennheiser e609S on the grill of my Vetta II cab mixed with some pod(2 per). It sounds pretty good for only 5 minutes of amp tweaking before recording.

I'll try to get that up in a minute...

EDIT: I'm gonna start a new thread for the 50 second Krank/Pod clip...