Need some suggestions

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New Metal Member
Dec 12, 2007
well me and my cousin are starting a death metal band and we need some ideas for our name. something tough and awesome. any suggestions? we also need some topics to write lyrics about. anything just to get us thinking of some words. Help would be appreciated
It would help if you mentioned what style of death metal (brutal death, tech death, melodic death, etc).
Death metal lyrical topics? How about Satan, killing children, mutilating female genitalia, and cannibalism? Honestly, if you can't come up with death metal lyrics then your soul is too pure to play death metal.

Names? How about Nasal Rape? But seriously, combine any forms of the following words; blood, corpse or any synonym thereof, death or any synonym thereof, fetus, mutilation or any synonym thereof, kill or any synonym thereof, torture or any synonym thereof or any synonym thereof, sickening, fatal, disfigurement, and any word related to shit or vomit, or the act of shitting or vomiting. If need be, you can throw in another word as long as it sounds hardcore. This will give you your new brutal death metal band name. If you don't play gruesome or disgusting metal, you'll need to actually think of a good name.
This board is for discussion of music and all relevant offshoots thereof. Not for naming you and your friend's new band which will break up in a year or less. :p
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