Need some ideas...


Vein-Marbled Tower
May 29, 2008
Berlin, Germany
Me and the old admin of MoshTalk are getting another forum going but we're having trouble thinking up a name, do you guys have in suggestions for the site name?

Oh and, Andy, go ahead and lock this in a couple days, I'm just having trouble thinking of anything and need some ideas.
Forumation of Damnation
Nytol (my sleeping pills)
Afro-Carribean love dating
Used Sock Exchange
Wōden's Halls
'The place were Heat Mizer doesn't post'
Russian Bride forums
Exhale and Fart
The Workshop
Prole World.
I go on two other forums also. The DotA forums, and then this other forum which isn't even about what it used to be about.

Oh, I also post on 4chan, /mu/ and /b/ to be specific.
But that's usually when I'm bored.
I browse about 8 forums, but only actually post on one with any type of regularity. I basically just quickly scan them once or twice a day for any news or interesting discussion. It doesn't exactly take any sort of significant commitment whatsoever, unless you have no control over yourself.
I have trouble understanding people who need more than one forum to waste their lives on.


spending more than 1 hour on UM.COM is a waste of fucking time.

do some of you even go outside.:) (when the apocalypse comes in a few years and there's no more light you're going to wish you went outside) you fucking hermits.
I basically just quickly scan them once or twice a day for any news or interesting discussion. It doesn't exactly take any sort of significant commitment whatsoever, unless you have no control over yourself.

He wants to start a new forum, which would imply significant commitment. Unless he's planning to leave UM, that's 2 forums as a regular.

Wouldn't take up his whole day, but about redundant.
He wants to start a new forum, which would imply significant commitment. Unless he's planning to leave UM, that's 2 forums as a regular.

Wouldn't take up his whole day, but about redundant.

Starting a new forum isn't that hard and doesn't take too much work. You just gotta get a couple of faithfuls to help with the job of promotion. plus, there should be about 3-5 people starting it with us, and assisting us.

Also, it's possible to post on multiple forums at once in the same amount of time, it's not that hard. But go ahead and post a smart ass response to make you feel good about yourself.