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Vein-Marbled Tower
May 29, 2008
Berlin, Germany
Everybody here remember Heat Mizer? You know, the 25 year old child that used to post here? Well quite a few months back, he came to the site that I moderate on, Moshtalk. Well, lets just say that I should have taken V5's advice and banned him from the site. Unfortunately, I didn't. He was alright when he wasn't being a prick. Then about 2 months ago, the site admin made Heat a moderator because the guy practically begged for it and he has no life and was on Moshtalk pretty much 24/7 so the admin figured he could help keep the place cleaned up but was ready to take him off of the mod list anytime he needed to be. Well, a month ago, our admin got in trouble with the law and can only pop in once a week or so. These past few weeks, he's been a major dick to everybody so I told him that when the admin came back to the site, that Heat would no longer be a mod. He played it off like he didn't care and basically said, "Fuck you, I'll start my own site." So last night, me and my buddies were rejoicing over his leaving...

WELL... Today, I go to the site to check up on it and... HE FUCKING IP BANNED ME

I did not know that mods could ban mods.

But yeah, WTF

edit: yes, I understand that this is probably hilarious to you guys :lol:
I agree, Heat is one of the shittiest posters I've ever come across. I was a mod there as well... I took a two-month break from the site because I got into an argument with him.

I come back because I hear he's leaving, make three posts. I come back to find I've been IP-banned.

Fucking sandpaper cock massager, he is.
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